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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes November 06, 2007
Description Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. November 06, 2007
Date 11/06/2007 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:00:37 AM Chairman Skinner Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Skinner, Murdock, and White, Deputy County Attorney Kate Dinwiddie and Acting Clerk to the Board Stephanie Young.
9:01:23 AM Chairman Skinner Agenda Announcement: Reminder, not only are we recording this on our FTR system, this is being broadcasted live through Bresnan and streamed over the internet.
9:01:39 AM Chairman Skinner There was no public comments on any matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:01:55 AM Acting Clerk to the Commission Stephanie Young Read the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims, 2. Review and Approval of Minutes for October 16, 2007, 3. Approval of Contract(s): Criminal Justice System Assessment by David M. Bennett Consulting, Inc., Sleeping Hollow Services, Inc. for Snowplowing RID 326 and RID 341, Big Horn Snow Removal for Snowplowing RID 302, Five-Year Agreement with Danhof Chevrolet for Chaplain's Vehicle (2007 Impala), 4. Approval of Budget Transfer for the Weed District from Travel to Capital Outlay, and 5. Decision on Final Site Plan Review for West Gallatin Commercial Condominiums
9:02:57 AM   There was no public comment.
9:03:05 AM Commissioner White  I would make a motion to approve the consent agenda that was read into record.
9:03:10 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:03:12 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:03:15 AM Chairman Skinner Board Appointment(s): Gallatin County/Bozeman Area ("Donut") Zoning District Board of Adjustment
9:03:59 AM   There was no public comment.
9:04:07 AM Commissioner Murdock Well we have three vacancies and three applications, I nominate all three.
9:04:13 AM Commissioner White  Second
9:04:15 AM Chairman Skinner Moved and seconded to nominate Jason Armstrong, Dale Curtis and MaryAnn Jackson-Amsden
9:04:27 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:04:32 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Construction Bid Opening for the New Road and Bridge Maintenance Facility
9:04:40 AM Grants Administrator Larry Watson Presentation
9:05:29 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:06:19 AM Bob Mechels, Dowling Sandholm Architects Opened the following bids: Oswood Construction Co. , Bid Bond - 10%, Contractor Registration # 10498, $2,397,600.00, Wadsworth Builders Co. , Contractor Registration #81-0401059, $2,250,000.00, R&R Taylor Construction Co. , Contractor Registration #54766, Bid Bond - 10%, $2,225, 517.00, Dick Anderson Construction , Contractor Registration #4391A, Bid Bond - 10%, $2,222,000.00, Langlas & Associates , $2,179,000.00, Bid Bond - 10%, Walker Construction , Contractor Registration #7758, Bid Bond - 10%, $2,414,467.00, and HighTech Construction - Contractor Registration #A7837, Bid Bond - 10%, $2,442,000.00.  
9:14:43 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:17:18 AM Public Comment Steve Turner, Wadsworth Builders Co.
9:18:08 AM Bob Mechels, Dowling Sandholm Architects Clarification made to the 11 alternates, as stated 9 are deductive alternates and 2 were add alternates (for site paving): HighTech Construction - alternate (9) $46,000.00 and (10) $151,000.00, Dick Anderson Construction - alternate (9) $18,850.00 and (10) $158,750.00, Oswood Construction Co - alternate (9) $40,400.00 and (10) $140,200.00, Walker Construction Co . - alternate (9) $24,315.00 and (10) $102,000.00, Langlas & Associates - alternate (9) $59,000.00 and (10) $186,000.00, Wadsworth Builders Co . - alternate (9) $44,000.00 and (10) $122,000.00, R&R Taylor Construction Co . - alternate (9) $42,755.00 and (10) $133,023.00.
9:22:42 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:22:45 AM Grants Administrator Larry Watson Bids have been taken under advisement, requests a one-week continuance where he will return with a recommendation.
9:22:57 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Larry Watson and Bob Mechels
9:23:29 AM   No Action Taken.
9:23:32 AM Chairman Skinner Public Opening of RFP's Received for a 9-1-1 Building Construction Architect
9:23:41 AM Grants Administrator Larry Watson Opened the following proposals: ThinkOne Architecture, Bozeman, MT teamed with TC Architecture & Planning, Seattle, WA, CTA Communications Lynchburg, VA & Morrison & Maierle, Bozeman, MT and second proposal Dowling Sandholm Architects teamed with the Durant Group, Denver, CO and Morrison & Maierle, Bozeman, MT - Proposals have been taken under advisement, will return at a later date with a recommendation.
9:24:43 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:25:04 AM   No Action Taken.
9:25:07 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution of Intent to Transfer County Owned Land to the Anderson School District
9:25:39 AM Open Lands & Parks, Mike Harris Presentation
9:26:31 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:27:07 AM Terry Vanderpan, Superintendent of Anderson School  Comments
9:28:48 AM   There was no public comment.
9:28:59 AM   Board discussion including Mike Harris
9:34:28 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we approve Resolution #2007-135.
9:34:36 AM Commissioner White  Second
9:34:39 AM   Board discussion/Findings
9:35:17 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:35:48 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on a Second Reading of an Ordinance of the Gallatin County Commission Extending the Hours of Operation of Authorized Live Card Games
9:36:17 AM   There was no public comment.
9:36:27 AM Commissioner Murdock Comments, I move that we approve (Resolution #2007-135), whoops wrong one, Ordinance #2007-010.
9:37:01 AM Commissioner White  Second
9:37:06 AM   Motion passed 2:1. Commissioner White opposed.
9:37:12 AM   There were no Pending Resolutions.
9:37:15 AM   Meeting Adjourned.